Yeah, Nah Awards

Nominate now

Our inaugural Yeah, Nah Awards are arriving this October – we’re handing out trophies for the biggest lemons of 2024. 

Every year, we get plenty of complaints about less than-satisfactory products or services. The Yeah Nah Awards shines a spotlight on the worst of the worst to pressure poor-performing businesses to up their game.

We’ll shine a light on products, businesses and services that have been downright dodgy, disappointing or difficult to deal with. This is an awards ceremony that CEOs will *want* to miss.  

We need your help 

Tell us about your less-than-satisfactory consumer experiences. If you’ve been left frustrated, out of pocket or perplexed by an experience you’ve had, we’d love to hear from you.  

What qualifies for an award?

It could be your favourite chocolate bar shrunk by 25%, or perhaps a fridge you purchased fails to properly cool your food. There might be a company that mislead you into thinking it was sustainable, or maybe a business hit you with a hidden fee that left you upset and short-changed. 


To be a contender for winning a Yeah, Nah Award a product, business, or service must meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • Failing a standard 
  • Stinging customers with hidden charges 
  • Using false claims or broken promises 
  • Selling products or services that are an absolute rip off 
  • Using unclear messaging that causes consumer confusion, frustration or just plain outrage

Winners will be judged by a team of Consumer investigators. 

Nominate a business or product