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Fuel our fight to help New Zealanders like you

We’re committed to giving you a voice, keeping big businesses in check, and restoring fairness where the scales have tipped too far.

It's hard to trust supermarket specials

Supermarket prices are up for Vanessa’s family. They shop at multiple stores to get the best prices, but that takes a lot of time.  

“I just want the supermarkets to sort out their specials. Is the price special, or have they deducted a cent and printed a special sticker? And is the price on the shelf the same as what I’ll get charged at the checkout? We used to love grocery shopping, but now it’s just stressful,” says Vanessa. 

Donate today and you’ll be fuelling our fight to hold the supermarkets to account. We'll keep putting pressure on them to lift their game so you can trust supermarket specials. 

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It’s far too easy for scammers to exploit us

Savvy website developer Heather* (name and likeness changed for privacy) was targeted by scammers three times in a year.  

“Scams are scarily sophisticated. The 'NZ Post' website I clicked on looked exactly like the real thing and the phone call I received sounded exactly like others I’ve had with my bank. But I was tricked and had to shoulder all the responsibility, which doesn’t seem fair,” says Heather. 

Banks are more capable of spotting a scam than a customer is, and three quarters of New Zealanders agree. We are pushing for a government-led response to stamp out scams. 

Donate today and you’ll be fuelling our fight for better scam protections. 

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Unrepairable products are hurting our pockets and the planet

Jorge is frustrated by how hard it is to get products repaired. It’s estimated we throw away about 100,000 tonnes of e-waste per year in New Zealand. Aotearoa is the only country in the OECD without e-waste regulations. Jorge thinks we deserve repairable products. 

“It’s not fair that if your laptop screen smashes, the cost of repair could be as much as a new laptop. It's clearly a broken system, with electronics ending up in landfill, and people stuck in this endless cycle of buy and chuck.” 

Donate today to support our fight for a repairability label. If we can shop based on how repairable products are, manufacturers will be forced to lift their game. 

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How your donations have fuelled our fight so far

We’ve turned the generous support of our members and donors into thousands of hours of positive action this year, including: 

  • 1 High Court declaration sought. We partnered with the Environmental Law Initiative and Lawyers for Climate Action to seek declarations from the High Court that Z Energy has breached the Fair Trading Act by misleading New Zealanders with its public messaging. 
  • 600 examples of misleading supermarket pricing and promotional practices collected and analysed as part of our Commerce Commission complaint, which is now being investigated. 
  • 21,243 people signed our petition for a product repairability label, which is being presented to Parliament so politicians can see the demand for products that last. 
  • 12,423 people signed our ongoing petition to stamp out scams calling on the government to improve our scam protections. 
  • 23 submissions on government consultations, in areas such as the banking, energy and supermarket sectors. 
  • 5 Ministerial meetings to advocate for consumers at the highest level. 
  • 100+ media interviews providing advice and opinions on topical consumer issues.
  • 200+ investigations and news articles published, shining a light on bad business practices, keeping you informed about consumer issues, and empowering consumers to know their rights. 

Campaigning for fairer laws takes years of time-consuming work and dedication.

With your help, there’s so much we can do. Thank you for your support.